måndag 30 maj 2011


Dags att skaka liv i det där med att vi säger du till varandra igen? Jag tycker nämligen att det är lite onödigt och i det närmaste obekvämt när jag i mataffärens chark får frågan:

"Hur vill ni ha skivorna?"

Och det var alltså bara jag som handlade.

2 kommentarer:

Gaston Dorren sa...

I don't quite get it.

So, you would feel uncomfortable if a shop attendant were to address you as 'ni'. You find that too polite, I guess. Or maybe just weird, since there's just one of you. So much I seem to understand - correct me if I'm wrong.

But what is beyond me is the word 'igen' at the end of the first sentence. Hasn't 'du' been the standard form of address for the last forty years or so? Has there been a shift towards 'ni'?

Jenny sa...

You´re right - "du" has been the standard and still is! But for some reason, I don´t know why, in some shops, hotels etc people are starting to use "ni" again. I´m guessing it is because they want to be really polite? I don´t know.

But for me it´s not polite, it´s just too much. I don´t want to be adressed "ni", "du" is the standard and for me it´s more democratic and nice to use.